In the end, it is the taste that matters...
Showing posts with label ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ireland. Show all posts

Them Carrot Cakes

Back in Ireland, everytime there is a gathering or a celebration may it be a co-worker's or the resident's birthday or anything that is worth celebrating, every house would prepare some food to bring to one house where the occasion is to be held.  And if it calls for a cake and if it is carrot season then sure enough there would be a carrot cake. Also, when there is an open day where the community can sell arts and baked products carrot cake is a popular cake to sell.  This is not only happening with our community but also the neighboring communities as well. One Japanese co-worker is an expert with this along with her famous japanese delicacies like sushi.

At first, I was not really into carrot cakes.  I just did not fathom the idea of putting an ingredient that is not usually added on desserts  but I do am curious as to how it is made.  I never made a carrot cake back in Ireland nor have I tasted one since everytime someone bakes it there is always another one baking the traditional chocolate cake so I often opted for chocolate cakes as opposed to the carrot cake but when a cousin of mine who works in a hotel mentioned about carrot cakes and how much their hotel is charging for it, I decided to make my own version.

I was so happy that my number one fans, my two lovely daughters found carrot cake delicious and my eldest wants this cake for her 7th birthday also even my number one critic, my mother requested that I make a carrot cake for her birthday and it was well accepted by her Zumba friends, in fact one of them even said that she would like to order one for our fiesta celebration this May after her stint in Australia, I just hope she remebers about her order.

Green Velvet Heart Cake

The buyer asked me if it is possible to make a golf themed cake, and  I was like OMG!!!  I haven't had any training nor did I attend any pastry school.

I just learned to bake from my more than a year stint in Ireland and then after that I learned a thing or two about the art of baking and eventually now I am selling few cakes and cupcakes here and there.

But I  also want the challenge so here it is, I browse for some ideas.  At first, I thought of golf clubs and golf bags but that would need molders which I  do not have and fondant which I have no experience using.  Then I realized, if I can't make any golf equipment then why not make a golf course instead!!!  It is still within the theme of golfing is it not?

Buyer's request also include gummies so there it is, they are actually blue grape gummies which I turned over to look like trees.  I used mini Oaties cookies as rocks and then for the sand, I used up a Filipino delicacy "POLVORON".  I added some green and yellow M&Ms for decoration as well.

Lazada Philippines